10th Conference on Network Modeling and Analysis (MARAMI 2019)

06-11-19 to 08-11-19
Event format:
Networks are ubiquitous for modeling and simulating various natural and man-made systems (social, biological, technological, economic, ecological, historical and others). MARAMI is an annual forum for the exchange and dissemination of studies on networks originating from various communities (computer science, mathematics, sociology, biology, etc.). Studies with a strong methodological or quantitative influence, or combining several disciplinary fields, are particularly welcome. MARAMI is a forum where synergies are developed and where expertise and experiences of various communities are shared.
Topics covered may concern the following points, but all work on modeling or network analysis is welcome:
- Community detection, graph partitioning, overlapping communities,
- Local communities, community assessment and benchmarking
- Effective algorithms for sorting nodes in large graphs, finding patterns in graphs
- Visualization and exploration of large graphs
- Study and simulation of phenomena occurring on networks
- Network evolution, link prediction, diffusion models
- Social networks, affiliate networks, social web, folksonomies
- Biological networks, peer-to-peer networks, space networks
- Recommendation systems, collaborative filtering
- Decision support systems (viral marketing, epidemics)
- Multi-agent systems and Networks