17th European Conference on Game Theory

11-07-22 to 13-07-22
Padova (online)
Event format:
The 17th edition of the European Conference on Game Theory will be held in digital format on the 11-13 July 2022 and will be organized by the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Padova.
Confirmed plenary speakers are:
Francis Bloch, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
Jean-Jacques Herings, Tilburg University
Marzena Rostek, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rajiv Vohra, Brown University
Abstract submission deadline is on 30th May 2022. There is no registration fee.
We welcome contributions from all areas of game theory, including, but not limited to: cooperative games, mechanism design, networks, matching models, dynamic games, evolutionary games, stochastic games, voting, auctions, bargaining, game theory applications in field such as: industrial organization, management, health, energy and others.
As usual, the sing – best student paper prize will be awarded and announced at the end of the conference.
Call deadline: