Contests: Theory and Evidence

25-06-20 to 26-06-20
United Kingdom
Event format:
The School of Economics at University of East Anglia, UK, is pleased to
announce the sixth annual edition of the conference “Contests: Theory and
Evidence”, to be held Thursday 25 June and Friday 26 June 2020 at the UEA
campus in Norwich.
For 2020 we are especially interested in encouraging submissions from researchers not only in economics, but also in biology, psychology,
neuroscience, and other disciplines who work in contests and their applications. Please submit your paper, or an extended abstract (2 pages), along with a short abstract within 50 words, to Julianne Wright: by 01 April 2020.
The keynote speaker for this event will be Prof Carsten de Dreu (University of Leiden). The list of confirmed speakers include Prof Kai Konrad (MPI Munich), Prof Dan Kovenock (Chapman University), Prof Jingfeng Lu (National University of Singapore) among others.
Key dates:
Call for paper opens: 01 February 2020.
Submission deadline: 01 April 2020.
Acceptance decision: 15 April 2020.
Registration deadline: 30 April 2020.
Conference: 25-26 June 2020.
For more information, please contact Ted Turocy ( and/or Subhasish Chowdhury (
Call deadline: