DISC Summer School

Since 1990, DISC has successfully organized yearly summer schools on various topics pertinent to theoretical and practical aspects of systems and control, with an international audience of about 40-60 participants. Together with the graduate course program that is maintained by DISC, the summer schools form part of the educational facilities that DISC offers to PhD students in systems theory and control engineering. The main goal of the summer schools is to familiarize young researchers with recent developments in systems and control as well as in neighboring disciplines, and to provide them with the opportunity to enjoy, in an informal atmosphere, discussions with top researchers in systems and control. The summer schools also provide an opportunity for DISC staff members and others to upgrade their knowledge of specific areas of interest.
Game Theory
This summer school aims to provide on the one hand an overview of different types of modeling approaches and tools which have been developed in game theory for various kind of coordination and allocation problems. On the other hand the aim is to show the ways in which, within different areas of control engineering, multi-actor problems are dealt with.
Three main objectives of this Summer School are:
- To expose the students to a variety of modeling approaches to simulate competition in engineering systems
- To provide the students with a better understanding of analysis and design of multi-agent systems
- To improve the students’ coding capabilities and numerical/analytical insights in game theoretic engineering applications.
The class will be a mix of lectures and tutorials. The Summer School ends with a project on consensus and opinion dynamics. Students may hand in a report on this project for an informative assessment. The lectures will include examples of applications, demonstrations and hands on exercises, wherever possible. Participants will have ample opportunity to discuss their own research with the speakers and amongst each other.
The main program will consist of a number of international and national speakers. Keynote lectures will be given by:
- Tamer Basar, University of Illinois, USA
- Fabio Fagnani, Politecnico di Torino, IT
- Herbert Hamers, Tilburg University, NL
- Ming Cao, University of Groningen, NL
- Dario Bauso, University of Groningen, NL
The registration fee, which includes full board and lodging, is
- 800,- Euro for DISC students/members (until May 5, 2019-early bird) and 950,- Euro (after May 5, 2019)
- 1000,- Euro for non-DISC members (until May 5, 2019-early bird) and 1150,- Euro (after May 5, 2019)
Program will be available later.
PhD students can obtain 1,5 credit for the DISC Summer School
The registration fee includes:
• Overnight stay on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
• All meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner) are included, from lunch on Monday until lunch on Thursday. There will also be two coffee breaks each day.
• Admission to all sessions
• Summer School course materials
• Coffee, tea and water during the meeting.
• Internet access on the hotel premises
You will be staying in a double room which you will share with one of the other participants.You can let us know if you would like to share with someone in particular, otherwise we will assign the rooms. There is a limited number of single rooms available at a higher rate. For more information about the hotel and facilities, see: https://www.nh-hotels.com/hotel/nh-noordwijk-conference-centre-leeuwenhorst?gmb=new
The registration fees are:
800,- Euro for DISC-students and DISC-members (early bird-register before May 5, 2019)
1000,- Euro for non-DISC members (early bird-register before May 5, 2019)
After May 5, 2019 the registration fees are:
950,- Euro for DISC-students and DISC-members
1150,- Euro for non-DISC members
Extra charge for single room: if you would like a single room there will be an extra charge of 150,- Euro added to your registration fee. There is a limited number of single rooms available and they are distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
Cancellation and refund policy
Cancellations are to be made by email to m.w.otte@tudelft.nl. Cancellations received before May 5, 2019 will be reimbursed in full. If you cancel between May 5 and June 1, 2019 you will be required to pay half of the registration fee. For cancellations received after June 1, 2019 no refunds can be made. Substitutions can always be made at no additional charge if the accommodation is still available.
The school is limited to 50 participants based on a first-come first-serve policy. The registration deadline is June 3, 2019 (Early bird deadline May 5, 2019).You can register at the following website: http://disc-courseplatform.nl. Non DISC members can also send an email to: secr@disc.tudelft.nl (Please mention your full name and university affiliation including address).
More information
For further information regarding the conference location, registrations or other organizational matters contact the DISC administrative office: Martha Otte (m.w.otte@tudelft.nl)>
For further information regarding the program and scope of the Summer School contact the organizers: Jacob Engwerda (j.c.engwerda@uvt.nl) and Dario Bauso (d.bauso@rug.nl).