Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks

We look forward to welcoming a large number of world renowned experts in economic networks and complexity science. Guest speakers for the 2020 edition will include Mariano Beguerisse Díaz, Doyne Farmer, Christian Ghiglino. Renaud Lambiotte, Ljubica Nedelkoska, Frank Neffke, Aureo de Paula, Alex Teytelboym, Stefan Thurner and Taha Yasseri. Guest speakers from previous editions (2017-2019) included Elsa Arcaute, Mauricio Barahona, Mariano Beguerisse Díaz, Fabio Caccioli, Vasco Carvalho, Michele Coscia, Rama Cont, Doyne Farmer, Sanjeev Goyal, Peter Grinrod, Matthew Jackson, Sujit Kapadia, Renaud Lambiotte, Friederike Mengel, Mihaela van der Schaar, Fernando Vega-Redondo, and Taha Yasseri.
The Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks is hosted by the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School.
Late January: Applications open
7 March: Application deadline
21 March: Admission results
4 April: Payment deadline
June 22-26, 2020: Summer school in session
Location: Mathematical Institute and Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
• This school is targeted towards graduate students (Masters/PhD) from Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Social Sciences, Geography, Development, and Public Policy. Students from other disciplines and young professionals are welcome. We will admit a small number of outstanding undergraduates.
• You will need some mathematical/computational background (in particular, familiarity with university level linear algebra and dynamical systems, and some coding experience). Experience with networks is an advantage but not compulsory.
• There will be practical tutorials and students need to bring their own laptops.
• Applications are available online here
• The registration fee including all tuition and social events will be 300 pounds sterling. Note: this does not include meals or accommodation. It does include social events including punting (boating) on the Thames, a drinks reception, and a walking tour.
• We will have a small number of bursaries in the form of a partial or full fee waiver available. To be considered, please select the appropriate box in the application.
• If accepted, you will need to pay the (non-refundable) registration fee within 2 weeks of acceptance. This payment deadline can occasionally be extended by special request.
• University college rooms may be available here.
The organising team is based mainly at the Mathematical Institute (MI), the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and the Oxford Martin School (OMS): Neave O'Clery (Co-chair, UCL & MI), Francois Lafond (Co-chair, MI & INET & OMS), Bassel Tarbush (Economics), Xiaowen Dong (Engineering Science), Samuel Heroy (MI), and Petrona Winton (MI).
For more information, contact us at economicnetworks@maths.ox.ac.uk