Special Issue on Game Theory and Water Resource Management, Water Economics and Policy (WEP) journal

This special issue is dedicated to research on theoretical analysis and application of game theory concerning to problems in managing water resources. We welcome both conceptual and empirical contributions regardless of whether it relates to regional, national or international water resources problems. Potential topics/issues include, but are not limited to (i) cooperative water resources allocation among competing uses; (ii) the interplay of set up non-cooperative and cooperative game theoretic simulation models for analyzing water conflicts in a river basin; (iii) managing the water, food and energy nexus; (iv) the role of international water management organisations/agreements; and (v) the role of linking issues for managing water resources under externalities.
Timeline and Submission
Manuscript submission deadline (via Editorial Manager): 30th January 2017
Review comments provided by: March 2017
Planned month for issue publication: October 2017
About the Guest Editor
Kim Hang Pham Do is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Economics and Finance (Palmerston North), Massey University, New Zealand. Her research works/expertise is in the areas of applied economics; integrated theoretical and empirical research; predictions of economic decision-making processes for international/regional environmental problems and resolutions. She has particularly interested in analysing the interactions between ecological and social systems on economic growth and sustainable development. Dr. Pham Do has published in prestigious international journals, including Mathematical Social Sciences, International Game Theory Review, and Environment and Development Economics. Her current research works are related to development of theoretic frameworks to address the analytical issues related to cooperation in multilateral setups with externalities and the role of issue linkage in arriving at efficient and equitable arrangements in transboundary resource management, particularly in developing countries. She serves as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Ecology and Development and the Editorial Review Board (Economics) for the Scientific Journals International.