A Criterion to Compare Mechanisms When Solutions Are Not Unique, with Applications to Constrained School Choice

Working paper
Issue number:
CORE Discussion Papers
Université Catholique de Louvain
We introduce a new criterion to compare the properties of mechanisms
when the solution concept used induces multiple solutions. Our criterion
generalizes previous approaches in the literature. We use our criterion to
compare the stability of constrained versions of the Boston (BOS) and
deferred acceptance (DA) school choice mechanisms in which students
can only rank a subset of the schools they could potentially access. When
students play a Nash equilibrium, we show that there is a stability cost
to increasing the number of schools students can rank in DA. On the
other hand, when students only play undominated strategies, increasing
the number of schools students can rank increases stability. We find similar
results for BOS. We also compare BOS and DA. Whatever the
number of schools students can rank, we find that BOS is more stable
than DA in Nash equilibrium, but less stable in undominated strategies.