Preface to the second edition
Preface from the first edition
Part I. Getting Started:
1. What is 'Markets and Strategies'?
2. Firms, consumers and the market
Part II. Market Power:
3. Static imperfect competition
4. Dynamic aspects of imperfect competition
Part III. Sources of Market Power:
5. Product differentiation
6. Advertising and related market strategies
7. Consumer inertia
Part IV. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation:
8. Group pricing and personalized pricing
9. Menu pricing
10. Intertemporal price discrimination
11. Bundling
Part V. Product Quality and Information:
12. Asymmetric information, price and advertising signals
13. Marketing tools for experience goods
Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy:
14. Cartels and tacit collusion
15. Horizontal mergers
16. Strategic incumbents and entry
17. Vertically related markets
Part VII. R&D and Intellectual Property:
18. Innovation and R&D
19. Intellectual property
Part VIII. Networks, Standards and Systems:
20. Markets with network goods
21. Strategies for network goods
Part IX. Market Intermediation:
22. Markets with intermediated goods
23. Information and reputation in intermediated product markets
Appendix A. Game theory
Appendix B. Competition policy
Solutions to end-of-chapter exercises